



From 03/18/2009 to 04/16/2009


09:45 PM Enhancement #195: improve lights.c
Martin Herrmann wrote:
* Maximum CPU usage: <0.8%
* Longest synchronized block: 30us
Work left to do:
* Merge t...
Martin Herrmann
09:44 PM Enhancement #195: improve lights.c
Maximum CPU usage: <0.8%
Longest synchronized block: 30us
Martin Herrmann


12:29 AM Enhancement #456: Investigate Encoder Code
I had problems last time I used the encoders library.
I tried running both motors at a fixed speed and varying tha...
Rich Hong
11:41 PM Enhancement #456 (Wontfix): Investigate Encoder Code
Look into fixing encoder code for the robots. Attempt to reduce from 50% CPU usage time. John Sexton


04:12 PM Task #449 (Fixed): buy electrical tape
Wrong project. Also already bought. James Kong
11:28 AM Task #449: buy electrical tape
we don't have any* Jimmy Bourne
11:28 AM Task #449 (Fixed): buy electrical tape
wont dont have any.
mcmaster pn# 7619A11
QTY: 20
Jimmy Bourne
04:12 PM Task #448 (Fixed): Buy cord reel
Wrong project. Also already bought. James Kong
10:50 AM Task #448 (Fixed): Buy cord reel
to replace the broken one in the shop
mcmaster pn# 7016K71
Jimmy Bourne


06:39 PM Enhancement #447 (Wontfix): add debugging support in simulator
the robot shared state should contain a file pointer to write all usb_put* output to. Currently it all goes to stdio,... Brad Neuman
05:13 PM Enhancement #367 (Fixed): Prevent loading of non robot code into the simulator
Chris Mar
05:12 PM Task #446 (Wontfix): Implement the BOM in the Simulator
Kevin Woo
05:09 PM Task #348: Manage Robots through GUI
- Deleting robots
- Adding more robots w/o finding the executable
- Selecting multiple robots
- Save robo...
Chris Mar
05:05 PM Task #445 (Wontfix): Test Orb Driver Code
In library_refactor Kevin Woo
05:04 PM Task #242 (Fixed): LCD module
Chris Mar


11:41 PM Task #341 (Worksforme): Mimic BOM LED Circuit for Diagnostic Station
John Sexton
11:40 PM Task #344 (Worksforme): Construct New LED Circuit to Mimic IR LED Current on BOM Boards
John Sexton


05:10 PM Task #346 (Fixed): Collisions with Obstacles
Chris Mar
05:09 PM Task #339 (Fixed): Clean up memory for multiple robots in simulator
Chris Mar
10:01 AM Task #387 (Fixed): Talk to Aaron about the JTAG ICE and how to use
Aaron referred to Cornell. Cornell said to use AVR Studio and it's easy from there... Kevin Woo


10:20 PM Bug #419 (Wontfix): Fix Rangefinder numbering in simulator
fix libsim/rangefinder.c after bug #418 is fixed Rich Hong
10:05 PM Bug #418 (Wontfix): Fix Rangefinder numbering
currently the #define are:
IR1 = ...
Rich Hong


10:48 PM Enhancement #195: improve lights.c
See [[Library work]] Martin Herrmann


05:11 PM Enhancement #386: ticket reminder
reminders only get sent if the rake command is executed
need to add to daily corn job
Rich Hong
04:41 PM Enhancement #386 (Wontfix): ticket reminder
Rich Hong
05:03 PM Task #391 (Wontfix): Investigate and profile the avr-libc floating point emulation
How long does it actually take to these operations and does it handle things correctly Kevin Woo
05:02 PM Task #390 (Feedback): Investigate how to use the JTAG ICE
We want to do profiling of functions Kevin Woo
04:57 PM Enhancement #388 (Wontfix): Make RTC more granular and adjustable
Kevin Woo
04:55 PM Task #387 (Fixed): Talk to Aaron about the JTAG ICE and how to use
Kevin Woo


01:59 PM Task #332: Environments
Let me know what problems you're having with detecting the circles. It would be good if we could finish this by next ... Brian Coltin
01:57 PM Task #328: Simulate Motors
We need the motors to move the robot a reasonable amount. The units for everything is going to be centimeters. Try to... Brian Coltin
01:54 PM Bug #365 (Fixed): Fix race condition in simulator
Should be fixed... Let me know if this happens again. Brian Coltin


12:47 PM Task #213 (Worksforme): man pages on roboclub1
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Enhancement #230 (Worksforme): More Friendly Makefile for Library Work
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Task #238 (Worksforme): Recharging Demo
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #244 (Worksforme): Excessive cpu usage in client
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #255 (Worksforme): Webcam feed in client is choppy
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Task #264 (Worksforme): Thought Paper
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Enhancement #286 (Worksforme): Virtual walls - GUI should let you draw boundaries on picture
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #294 (Worksforme): wireless library not thread safe
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Task #314 (Worksforme): Send Charging Board Documents to Kevin
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Task #319 (Wontfix): Talk to Priya About Xbee Dongles
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Task #200 (Wontfix): Protype Tricolor Object ID
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Enhancement #203 (Wontfix): I2C Multimaster for USI port
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Task #210 (Wontfix): man pages on roboclub9
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #216 (Wontfix): xbee read fails but colonet server does not die
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #217 (Wontfix): Robot reboots or enters programming mode when motor commands are sent
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #234 (Wontfix): xbee doesn't respond after killing colonet server
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Enhancement #236 (Wontfix): Grab images within server code instead of using coriander
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #261 (Wontfix): XBee error while running colonet server
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #269 (Wontfix): Queue packets on robot
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Enhancement #270 (Wontfix): adapt orbit and BFS for cooperative manipulation
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Task #271 (Wontfix): design wireless packet for use with manipulation
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #276 (Wontfix): Red and blue blinking when robot starts
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #277 (Wontfix): "Premature end of jpeg file"
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #284 (Wontfix): robot point and click doesn't like straight backwards
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Bug #288 (Wontfix): Clear virtual wall when server receives (-1,-1), (-1,-1) coordinates
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Task #298 (Wontfix): Copy old repository to roboclub8
Rich Hong
12:47 PM Enhancement #315 (Wontfix): Joystick control cleanup
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Task #177 (Wontfix): Lemmings demo
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Enhancement #179 (Wontfix): Colony logo
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Task #181 (Wontfix): Design object recognition system
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Enhancement #193 (Wontfix): improve i2c.c
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Task #199 (Wontfix): Research RFID
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Bug #196 (Invalid): I2C hangs on ARCHS board
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Task #201 (Invalid): High Intensity Light Prototype
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Bug #202 (Invalid): Analog Port
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Enhancement #222 (Invalid): Camera-based localization
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Enhancement #223 (Invalid): Point and click (RTS style) robot control
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Bug #260 (Invalid): No robot response to battery request
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Task #265 (Invalid): Protoss gameplay video
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Bug #272 (Invalid): Rosie's clock is set to 2007
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Task #282 (Invalid): Create XBee status chart
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Bug #285 (Invalid): robot point and click should have boundaries
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Bug #299 (Invalid): SPI failure
Rich Hong
12:46 PM Enhancement #304 (Invalid): Rangefinders code distance comments
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #331 (Fixed): Cleanup on Closure
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #333 (Fixed): Simulate Multiple Robots
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #335 (Fixed): Testing new encoder mounts
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #336 (Fixed): Port Old Public Colony Page
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #343 (Fixed): Determine IR LED Current on BOM Boards
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #303 (Fixed): Bayboard orb and beacons can't be on at the same time
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #306 (Fixed): BOM 1.5 Shift register error
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #307 (Fixed): Merge encoders into the trunk
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #309 (Fixed): Make 1 source for library files
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #310 (Fixed): Fix milestones and categories for trac
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #311 (Fixed): Homing beacon sensor mount
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #312 (Fixed): Make the wireless presentation
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #313 (Fixed): Move wiki to trac
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #316 (Fixed): SURG S09 Application
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #317 (Fixed): Find AVR presentation
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #318 (Fixed): Testing colony trac ticket emails
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #321 (Fixed): Talk to Austria Micro about Encoder Magnet Misalignment Issues
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #322 (Fixed): Depsit SURG Checks
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #324 (Fixed): Share Motor Values with Simulator
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #325 (Fixed): Control Robot Processes
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #327 (Fixed): Simulate Rangefinders
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #329 (Fixed): Program all robot's EEPROMs
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #274 (Fixed): Unit Test Architecture
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #275 (Fixed): robot stops obeying commands after right click
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #278 (Fixed): Vision algorithm not detecting robots
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #279 (Fixed): Client randomly stops requesting robot positions
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #280 (Fixed): Test one-line move command for robot
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #281 (Fixed): Create separate delays for different data requests
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #283 (Fixed): Remove move-to-point targeting when new command is selected
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #289 (Fixed): Fix analog code
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #290 (Fixed): redundant calls of sei
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #291 (Fixed): dragonfly_lib
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #292 (Fixed): clear virtual wall using SERVER_CLEAR_VIRTUAL_WALL
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #295 (Fixed): Set up email notification on trac
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #297 (Fixed): Rewire encoders
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #300 (Fixed): SPI failure
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #301 (Fixed): Fix analog8.c doxygen comments
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #302 (Fixed): Encoders documentation
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #245 (Fixed): Test battery meters
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #246 (Fixed): Fix click detection on scaled images
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #248 (Fixed): colonet client throwing lots of exceptions
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #249 (Fixed): clicking doesn't select robot
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #251 (Fixed): NPE in client
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #252 (Fixed): Client security exception
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #253 (Fixed): Client oob exception
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #254 (Fixed): Null pointer exception in client
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #256 (Fixed): null pointer exception with connect button in client
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #257 (Fixed): Disable robot controls when not connected
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #258 (Fixed): Cannot compile server using README instructions
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #259 (Fixed): Server generally doesn't join token ring on optimusprime
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #262 (Fixed): Server is not receiving packets from robot
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #266 (Fixed): Remove old robot graph code
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #267 (Fixed): client not repainting in safari
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #268 (Fixed): xbee_wait_for_string infinite loop
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #273 (Fixed): Bay Board I2C
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #218 (Fixed): Get libwireless colonet to return the correct xbee ids
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #219 (Fixed): Battery level requests should be set as server requests, not robot messages
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #220 (Fixed): Colonet server / colonet wl lib thinks robots die prematurely
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #221 (Fixed): Logging stuff occurs in colonet server before options are processed
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #224 (Fixed): Fix sudo on roboclub9
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #225 (Fixed): Change client to request robot positions from server
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #226 (Fixed): Get robot positions in server and store map
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #227 (Fixed): Give robots ability to request position from server
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #229 (Fixed): Modify client to send robot identifications to server
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #231 (Fixed): Resolve ARCHS inductor problem
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #232 (Fixed): Image doesn't refresh properly in linux
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #233 (Fixed): Detect server name on applet start
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #235 (Fixed): Robot positions are not aligned properly in webcam view
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #239 (Fixed): Port Old Meeting Minutes Over
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #240 (Fixed): delay_ms rewrite
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #241 (Fixed): Video From ColoNet GUI
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #243 (Fixed): memory leak in server
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #185 (Fixed): Make colonet gui buildable/runnable on all machines
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #187 (Fixed): improve analog.c
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #188 (Fixed): improve battery.c
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #189 (Fixed): improve bom.c
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #191 (Fixed): improve dio.c
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #192 (Fixed): improve dragonfly_lib.c
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #197 (Fixed): Test SPI driver
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #198 (Fixed): Phantom XBee dongle
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #204 (Fixed): README for colonet
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #205 (Fixed): ColonetGUI: Pressing enter in server/port form should initiate connection
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #206 (Fixed): Colonet send fails on optimusprime ("Failed to write to xbee")
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #207 (Fixed): ColonetServer usage message
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #208 (Fixed): Colonet wireless port option doesn't work
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #211 (Fixed): ColonetGUI - grey out "connect" button when connected
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #212 (Fixed): colonet wireless timeouts
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #214 (Fixed): Wrapper functions for backwards compatability on BOM
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #215 (Fixed): Create one-line move command for applet
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #180 (Fixed): Add analog8 to trunk
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Enhancement #182 (Fixed): Improve colonet make system
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Task #183 (Fixed): Write Encoder Library
Rich Hong
12:45 PM Bug #184 (Fixed): Colonet GUI doesn't show up when run in OSX or linux
Rich Hong
12:42 PM Task #176 (Invalid): Meeting of the Minds poster
Rich Hong
12:42 PM Task #175 (Fixed): F08 SURG application
Rich Hong
12:41 PM Task #174 (Fixed): BOM 1.5 driver
Rich Hong
12:41 PM Task #173 (Invalid): Design manipulators
Rich Hong
12:40 PM Task #172 (Fixed): Install encoders on robots
Rich Hong
12:40 PM Task #170 (Fixed): Trac accounts for all members
Rich Hong
12:29 PM Bug #209 (Worksforme): perform_select: Interrupted system call
Rich Hong
12:27 PM Bug #186 (Fixed): Excessive cpu usage in ColonetServer
Rich Hong
02:35 AM Enhancement #178 (Invalid): Complete colonet server/gui interface
Rich Hong
02:35 AM Enhancement #347 (Fixed): Deal with speed issues
Rich Hong


05:15 PM Enhancement #347: Deal with speed issues
Chris Mar
05:07 PM Task #368 (Assigned): Make sure all robots program the correct xbee id from eeprom
EEPROMs are all programmed and code to read it is fine. We just need to make sure the wireless code does it. Kevin Woo
04:59 PM Enhancement #367 (Fixed): Prevent loading of non robot code into the simulator
So when you accidentally click "simulator" the virtual world doesn't explode. Kevin Woo


07:42 PM Bug #365 (Fixed): Fix race condition in simulator
There is a race condition with adding robots. On the third added robot using template I got the error message:
Brad Neuman

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