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root / mikrokopter @ 98711613

# Date Author Comment
98711613 04/17/2012 12:35 PM Thomas Mullins

Moved mikrokopter package one folder deeper

The packages arduino and altitude_node aren't found inside another
package directory, so this way they're both found and the repo is a
little more organized.

7bc485ed 04/16/2012 12:07 PM Thomas Mullins

Added /altitude_node/enable topic to disable PID

Also, added node_control.cpp and Velocity2D.msg, which should have been
commited before but apparently weren't.

737bd480 04/15/2012 07:17 PM Thomas Mullins

Added altitude_node and node_control

node_control listens to /mikrokopter/thrust, yaw, and velocity, and
publishes control messages using nav_lib. altitude_node publishes to
/mikrokopter/thrust using PID_control on barometer values.

4ed577d5 04/15/2012 06:03 PM Thomas Mullins

Improved the README in mikrokopter/arduino

08b4f0df 04/08/2012 07:14 PM Thomas Mullins

Changed max thrust in nav_lib and set thrust to 0 in mk_wrapper

Tested joystick_control with the quadrotor, and it works! And it now has
enough thrust to get it off the ground.

84a809d3 03/04/2012 07:59 PM Nicolas

Modified nav_lib to cap input for set_velocity and set_yaw between -1 and 1. Also modified CoordToPID to pass timestamp to PID.

393f899e 03/04/2012 06:17 PM Nicolas

Created file CoordToPID. It takes the simulates coordinates from Tom's simulator and plugs them into Priya's pid to come up with mikrokopter controls.

bc5901d3 02/19/2012 08:48 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed params not loading correctly

480be65b 02/19/2012 05:52 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed problem in joystick.launch

7a6ed02d 02/17/2012 07:06 PM Thomas Mullins

Major changes in mikrokopter for lost connection

-In nav_lib.cpp, added main_loop, so we don't have to keep rewriting it
:). Also, this now publishes to /mk_wrapper/control, which should be
used from now on. However, old publish_on still works as it did....

06a5548b 02/15/2012 07:15 PM Thomas Mullins

Wrote mikrokopter/turn_to_target

It subscribes to /v2v3_converter/target_3d, and publishes yaw
proportional to the angle of the target in the horizontal plane. It may
use the wrong axes and/or turn the wrong way.

6499f09b 02/09/2012 08:16 PM Thomas Mullins

Arduino now reads 2 sonars and publishes

It publishes to /range_up and /range_down, from pins A0 and A1.

58d82c77 02/09/2012 07:46 PM Thomas Mullins

Added mikrokopter/arduino, which uses rosserial

It currently runs on an Arduino Uno, and successfully gives data back to
the computer over USB. With a few changes (one specified in the README,
the rest minor changes to CMakeLists.txt) it should run on the Pro...

fd29b28e 01/27/2012 06:21 PM Priya

Tested velocity control and added yaw and throttle control to joystick.

5d4b79f4 01/22/2012 11:21 PM Thomas Mullins

Added joystick_control node, with a skeleton of a JoystickControl class,
modeled after the keyboard_control node. Eventually it will take
messages from joy_node and call velocity_control in MikrokopterControl.
At the moment, it compiles but does nothing.

bc4b408e 01/22/2012 06:23 PM Thomas Mullins

Added velocity_control to MikrocopterControl class, which was added to
work with joystick control. Takes forward and lateral speeds and
combines them to set pitch and roll.

0d1f85b5 12/03/2011 07:46 PM Chris Burchhardt

auto-level in mikrokopter keyboard control

d58012b5 12/01/2011 05:18 PM Chris Burchhardt

fixing forwards/backwards, adding level function

dd56aeef 11/20/2011 05:28 PM Thomas Mullins

Added ncurses for key input. It can now publish at a rapid rate because
the key input is non-blocking, and after it exits the terminal is not
screwy, but it's not an ideal solution because ROS_INFO no longer works.

Encapsulated the stuff in nav_lib into a class, MikrokopterControl.

493cca7c 11/19/2011 07:15 PM Chris Burchhardt

basic (not-yet-working) flight control via keyboard

8ecb9700 11/19/2011 04:34 PM Alex Zirbel

Added a keyboard control node.

The new file, keyboard_control.cpp, mimics the turtlesim keyboard reading. It responds to wasd, arrow keys, and "rf" (for up/down), and right now simply outputs ROS_INFO to show what was pressed.

da889457 11/19/2011 03:53 PM Thomas Mullins

Created nav_lib.cpp/h, with functions forward, backward, left, right,
and stop to set the mikrokopter's movement direction.
Replaced code in wasd_nav.cpp's main with forward(pub) and stop(pub)
from nav_lib.cpp.
Added nav_lib.cpp to CMakeLists.txt

f07fd49e 11/17/2011 09:54 PM Chris Burchhardt

adding libserial0 to rosdep.yaml -- not 100% sure this is needed, but this is what's been running on my machine, and it works...

73ee1105 11/17/2011 09:53 PM Chris Burchhardt

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

a15ffaa4 11/17/2011 09:49 PM Chris Burchhardt

adding simple app to make the quadrotor fly forwards a bit

4ed0de29 11/17/2011 05:15 PM Roboclub

Added rosdep.yaml, to prevent future annoyances with libserial.

e5af41b0 11/13/2011 04:44 PM Chris Burchhardt

moving mikrokopter code from quad1 folder to root dir