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scoutos / scout / scoutsim / src / sim_frame.cpp @ a692ef82

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# Date Author Comment
fb9dad3d 02/03/2014 10:56 PM Hui Jun Tay

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


7b94db2c 02/03/2014 08:52 AM Hui Jun Tay

Fixed bug with BOM sensors reading from emitters (edge detection)
Added basic starter code for ParkScout behavior

96c90dc4 02/02/2014 05:55 PM Yuyang Guo

fix multiple emitter signal pickup bug

794038c2 02/01/2014 06:32 PM Yuyang Guo

fix out of range scout not updating BOM bug

18800d29 02/01/2014 06:04 PM Yuyang Guo

added BOM emitter crappy (but working) visualization

a224a762 02/01/2014 04:48 PM Yuyang Guo

fix scout sim BOM sender id

619a1b8d 02/01/2014 03:50 PM Yuyang Guo

fix emitter in range check crashing bug

46ed9b9b 12/03/2013 04:12 PM Yuyang Guo

simulate multiple bom emitters with different ids

1d198f8b 11/10/2013 03:54 PM Yuyang Guo

more bug fixes to BOM control

93cebb99 11/03/2013 04:02 PM Yuyang Guo

added BomControl class and to the scout sensor

11bb78c2 11/01/2013 08:44 PM Hui Jun Tay

BOM now works with rect. scout shape

71ae6e3f 10/27/2013 03:18 PM Hui Jun Tay

Basic sim framework for multiple BOMs written

98ed4757 10/20/2013 12:00 AM Hui Jun Tay

Basic BOM works (only 1 BOM in 'centre' of scout)
Added BOM topic to scouts
Added 'kill' for emitters

0e143737 10/13/2013 01:41 PM Hui Jun Tay

Created Emitter class based on Scout class
Added command 'spawn_em' to spawn emitters

3a73516c 04/28/2013 01:32 PM Alex Zirbel

Added doxygen documentation to many files.

a1219504 04/03/2013 10:53 PM viki

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


4c9fb6ba 04/03/2013 10:19 PM viki

Update smart_runaround and add old files.

6ebee82c 03/23/2013 02:44 PM Alex Zirbel

Moved all messages to the messages/ folder.

This meant changing a lot of includes and things.

f09d002e 03/03/2013 03:06 PM Hui Jun Tay

behaviors now overwrite teleop (see comments in scout.cpp for details)

60a90290 02/10/2013 02:36 PM Hui Jun Tay

\Fixed teleop to work with behaviors. Teleop currently has priority over behaviors

43811241 12/01/2012 07:04 PM Alex Zirbel

Added services to set individual control for visualization tools.

However, there is a bug in the sonar viz for multiple scouts, looking into it now.

a0928f39 12/01/2012 05:11 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


9cb9623b 12/01/2012 05:10 PM Alex Zirbel

Working on turning sonar on and off for robots individually.

7f095440 11/30/2012 07:55 PM Priya

Sepearated refresh rate for scouts and for the simulator.

28999371 11/17/2012 03:40 AM Alex Zirbel

Little cleanups.

4918cbee 11/17/2012 03:22 AM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


04114d13 11/17/2012 03:21 AM Alex Zirbel

Fixed teleop with new units, and changes the refresh rate to be closer to true m/s.

25694a03 11/17/2012 02:29 AM Priya

Changes so that scout1 automatically spawns upon creation of the
simulator environment, and that line follow just continuously follows
lines instead of prior line-following-capability testing code.

ddfeb111 11/17/2012 02:15 AM Priya

Fixing bugs with ghost scout (these were problems in odometry related
to constants in the simulator and coordinate frame and theta representation
in the simulator). Also made ghost scout translucent in order to differentiate

35d1885f 11/17/2012 01:16 AM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


6257c97d 11/17/2012 01:15 AM Alex Zirbel

Continuing work on standardization of units.

0e916314 11/16/2012 07:07 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

0e0ef125 11/16/2012 07:06 PM Priya

Changes to add ghost scout to sim frame and make it show up on the simulator.
Currently the functionality for killing scouts does not kill the ghost scout. That needs to be fixed eventually.

96ec9388 11/16/2012 06:55 PM Hui Jun Tay

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


eb9cff77 11/16/2012 06:44 PM Hui Jun Tay

Fixed sonar bug (corrected y direction)
Added sonar_toggle and set_scan command and callbacks
Cleaned up sonar_visual toggle code

c63c9752 11/12/2012 09:40 PM Alex Zirbel

Scoutsim now has consistent units of m and m/s.

This will cause some problems.

  • Behaviors which relied on the old units will have to change. We need to change the Control classes to scale things right.
  • Encoder ticks are almost fixed, but not quite right (I think because of a rounding problem)....
0076084e 11/12/2012 06:55 PM Alex Zirbel

Fluidified fluid teleop.

d34f8273 11/12/2012 06:54 PM Alex Zirbel

Removed the initial default scout spawn.

This should be taken care of by the GUI or launch file somehow.

594c3bb9 11/12/2012 06:52 PM Alex Zirbel

Loads specific images for each scout if they exist

Otherwise, looks in the images folder for scout.png.
Added a few default scouts with numbers, and the xcf files they were created from.

68b23184 11/02/2012 01:03 PM viki

Scoutsim: Added Sonar Toggle

Sonar display can now be toggled via Menu->Sim->Sonar

0e77683c 10/28/2012 09:24 PM Alex Zirbel

Added built-in scoutsim teleop!

759ac4fc 10/28/2012 07:48 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

e2770306 10/28/2012 07:48 PM Alex Zirbel

Generate a blank image for lines/walls if one doesn't exist.

6639ce9c 10/28/2012 05:58 PM viki

Edited Sonar to display points on simulator.

Changed rate of sonar scan to 0.5s
Made a new wxDC graphics object for sonar

a2e6bd4c 10/25/2012 10:02 PM Alex Zirbel

Added sonar, though it looks buggy.

Use sonar_viz to continue debugging and make sonar work!

7ffad595 10/07/2012 11:12 PM Alex Zirbel

Added walls to the scoutsim visualizer.

1d1281cc 10/07/2012 07:10 PM Priya

Broke the build and then fixed it. Now onto testing!

82f3f746 10/07/2012 06:59 PM Priya

Added wireless handling to scoutsim. Untested.

ade1b7f9 04/10/2012 04:53 PM Alex Zirbel

Basic line sensor readings!

2eaafff2 03/25/2012 12:21 AM Alex Zirbel

Added maps and menus in scoutsim.

Menu options for about, quit, clear, and viewing different maps.

e3f69e61 03/03/2012 06:21 PM Alex Zirbel

Fixed up scoutsim package. Sorry.

9b3564f3 02/25/2012 05:40 PM Alex Zirbel

Sonar prototypes in scoutsim package.

4612f7e4 01/05/2012 12:58 AM Alex Zirbel

Fixed the scoutsim node.

Just a couple bugs. All the nodes compile now! You can run "rosmake" from the "scout" directory (compile the whole stack).

c492be62 01/03/2012 11:41 PM Alex Zirbel

Updated the licensing information in many files.

This is a broken commit because I decided to do this at a bad time. Sorry! The build will be working after next commit, I promise (and I won't push till then). This commit reflects the licensing in the files after I used my auto-add/remove script.

144137a1 12/26/2011 04:15 PM Alex Zirbel

Got motor control working with scoutsim

Behaviors can now use the MotorControl class to change the speed of the motors in the simulator. The simulator correctly handles the command.
At the moment, the set_motors command is limited to 'scout1'. We should look into prefixes to specify which scout (scout1, scout2, etc) each behavior should command....

a8480867 12/04/2011 01:17 AM Alex Zirbel

Made a lot of changes to the general structure.

Applied object-orienting techniques to the code, cleaning it up considerably. Major design changes are as follows:

  • All separate node code (ie motors) are meant to only interface with hardware - doing as little logic as possible....
dec96050 11/27/2011 12:25 AM Priya

Made libscout compile. Changed behavior.cpp to set motors to the same speed in order to test simulator code.

266ae7f2 11/26/2011 09:43 PM Alex Zirbel

Added a template scout simulator class.

Scoutsim is modeled directly from turtlesim. At this point, the only changes are in names and indentation. A separate licensing file was also added to get rid of the junk at the top of the old turtlesim files.