


| Revision:

root / branches / library_refactor / projects / mapping / matlab / testMex @ 1390

# Date Author Comment
1081 03/23/2009 08:22 PM Kevin Woo

Branch for the library fixes

959 01/22/2009 07:25 PM Justin Scheiner

Changed receive to work when there's no data,
haven't tested for when there is,
test.c works as expected,
Makefile modified to work on receive.c on a linux machine with matlab.
testing robots pending - not hopeful - see code.

957 01/20/2009 10:12 PM Justin Scheiner

Slight corrections to this file. I have no way
of testing without a computer with matlab/linux.

If anyone knows windows threading I'd be much
obliged. Alternatively, if anyone knows if there
is an accessible build of gcc higher then version
4 on andrew unix let me know.

954 01/16/2009 04:01 PM Justin Scheiner

Just some test code to see how concurrency works in matlab functions.