



From 12/04/2011 to 01/02/2012


07:18 PM Revision cc558a8d (scoutos): Modified the Behaviors to take a scoutname.
Scoutname now specifies which scout the behavior will affect. Scoutname must be passed to the constructors of each co... Alex Zirbel


05:08 PM Revision 4de6257c (scoutos): Didn't update the CMakeLists in my previous commit.
Removed references to now nonexistant files. Alex Zirbel
03:14 PM Revision c384dc7e (scoutos): Updated the Behavior definition and extensions.
The Behavior.cpp/h class now works and can be extended by simply implementing its run() method. However, the subclass... Alex Zirbel


12:27 AM Revision cef78c70 (scoutos): Created Behavior class and a sample behavior using the class. Not te...
Priyanka Deo


10:34 PM Revision 15b7e607 (scoutos): Chaned libscout sonar code so that it turned sonar on and off when n...
Priyanka Deo


05:01 PM Revision ce8c3190 (scoutos): Integrated SonarControl into the libscout package.
Alex Zirbel
04:49 PM Revision 65c7f52b (scoutos): Created SonarControl files. Not tested and therefore not included in...
Priyanka Deo
04:15 PM Revision 144137a1 (scoutos): Got motor control working with scoutsim
Behaviors can now use the MotorControl class to change the speed of the motors in the simulator. The simulator correc... Alex Zirbel


05:16 PM Revision d1cc615c (scoutos): actually removing what I removed
05:10 PM Revision 42e8c915 (scoutos): Rewrote libbuttons to use objects (ButtonControl).
Also removed query_motors (motors node now responsible for publishing changes)
bugfix: removed -lmotors from manifes...


01:17 AM Revision a8480867 (scoutos): Made a lot of changes to the general structure.
Applied object-orienting techniques to the code, cleaning it up considerably. Major design changes are as follows:
Alex Zirbel

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