


| Branch: | Revision:

root / vision @ 91a0bfa9

# Date Author Comment
91a0bfa9 02/27/2012 10:26 PM Nick Stanley

Commented code!

643083a8 02/26/2012 08:53 PM Thomas Mullins

Added a way to spoof target position.

It's an rviz interactive marker which can be controlled by the mouse,
and which will publish 3d target positions. There are still some TODO's
in src/rviz_interactive_target.cpp.

f3966b0d 02/26/2012 08:26 PM Nick Stanley

changed a few things, tested, and now it outputs a sensor_msgs::point so that the control group can use it. We still need to figure out a target HSV value so that we can use that to test.

57ed459f 02/15/2012 10:39 PM Thomas Mullins

Removed build files from repository


13b764cd 02/15/2012 08:53 PM Thomas Mullins

Working more.

06738945 02/14/2012 02:42 PM George Stanley

The code compiled! Now to make sure everything does what it's supposed to do.

b1055c82 02/12/2012 06:28 PM Thomas Mullins

Nick made some changes to make it compile.

880aeb43 02/12/2012 05:15 PM Nick Stanley

Edited the v2v3 converter file

05e1c990 02/06/2012 04:48 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed immediate runtime error

Moved the TransformListener initialization into the target_cb, so that
it wouldn't try to initialize a NodeHandle before ros::init was called.

80eadc1e 02/01/2012 11:02 PM Thomas Mullins

Created the vision package

For now there is a skeleton of v2v3_converter (without the math) which
will take in a TargetDescriptor (x, y, size) and tf from /camera to
/kinect, and will output a 3d target location.