


| Branch: | Revision:

scoutos / scout / libscout / src @ cef78c70

# Date Author Comment
cef78c70 12/30/2011 12:27 AM Priyanka Deo

Created Behavior class and a sample behavior using the class. Not tested.

15b7e607 12/26/2011 10:34 PM Priyanka Deo

Chaned libscout sonar code so that it turned sonar on and off when necessary.

ce8c3190 12/26/2011 05:01 PM Alex Zirbel

Integrated SonarControl into the libscout package.

65c7f52b 12/26/2011 04:49 PM Priyanka Deo

Created SonarControl files. Not tested and therefore not included in libscout interface yet.

144137a1 12/26/2011 04:15 PM Alex Zirbel

Got motor control working with scoutsim

Behaviors can now use the MotorControl class to change the speed of the motors in the simulator. The simulator correctly handles the command.
At the moment, the set_motors command is limited to 'scout1'. We should look into prefixes to specify which scout (scout1, scout2, etc) each behavior should command....

d1cc615c 12/08/2011 05:16 PM Leon

actually removing what I removed

42e8c915 12/08/2011 05:10 PM Leon

Rewrote libbuttons to use objects (ButtonControl).

Also removed query_motors (motors node now responsible for publishing changes)

bugfix: removed -lmotors from manifest files (causing rosmake errors)

a8480867 12/04/2011 01:17 AM Alex Zirbel

Made a lot of changes to the general structure.

Applied object-orienting techniques to the code, cleaning it up considerably. Major design changes are as follows:

  • All separate node code (ie motors) are meant to only interface with hardware - doing as little logic as possible....
2814387f 11/30/2011 10:14 PM Alex Zirbel

Updated motors code.

Changed the definitions for the set_motors message, which forced a few
implementation changes as well.

Changed "libscout_node" to "node" and "n" to "node" in other packages.

6d488cf1 11/30/2011 07:45 PM Priya

Only added libbuttons files. Adding changes to libscout that make libbuttons work.

76a1593f 11/30/2011 07:29 PM Priya

Added buttons to libscout. Compiles!

dec96050 11/27/2011 12:25 AM Priya

Made libscout compile. Changed behavior.cpp to set motors to the same speed in order to test simulator code.

3ec16d35 11/16/2011 10:14 PM Ben Wasserman

Fixed bugs I saw in headlights code. Fixed object parameter missing error. Added no-set capability to headlights. Changed attribution in motors. Fixed CMakeLists.txt due to error I put in there on my last commit (extra comma). Should compile now. I'm sorry if it doesn't.

90c7a37c 11/16/2011 07:50 PM Ben Wasserman

Added libheadlights.cpp(cpp/h). Also updated constants.h and libscout.(cpp/h) for libheadlights. Have not compiled yet, but it should work.

737bb380 11/16/2011 06:40 PM Ben Wasserman

Restructured libscout.(cpp/h) so the behavior main runs in a separate file, and just calls upon libscout.cpp for initialization. This behavior function can then be swapped out or changed, and the rest of the libscout node can be precompiled so it doesn't have to be recompiled every time.

4589a2a9 11/16/2011 06:15 PM Ben Wasserman

Deleted compiler output files that were accidentally included in analog.

c9f87aaf 10/19/2011 09:19 PM Ben Wasserman

Added code inside motors.cpp to set and read individual speeds in different units. Also added appropriate headers to motors.h, and units field to query_motors.srv and set_motors.msg

0121ead7 10/07/2011 10:26 PM Ben Wasserman

Added the ROS stack with the libscout, motors, and sonar packages to the reposititory, and associated files. There are probably still things missing. Libscout won't run properly, but it and motors will compile. Sonar is probably broken, but nothing depends on it yet, so this shouldn't be an issue.

c406f16b 09/28/2011 04:04 PM Ben

Created first version of git repository; added libscout and motors packages.

The repository root is the ros directory, which contains the ROS stack for the scout project.
The included files are those that ROS creates with a new stack or package, and those created manually. Files created during compilation are not included....