


| Revision:

root @ 624

# Date Author Comment
624 03/21/2008 06:28 PM Eugene Marinelli

robot now abandons seeking if receives a new command

623 03/21/2008 04:26 PM Eugene Marinelli

cleanup and colonet debugging

622 03/21/2008 04:07 PM Greg Tress

Fixed small bug in Colonet Data Requester

621 03/21/2008 03:08 PM Eugene Marinelli

added a newline to a print

620 03/21/2008 02:59 PM Greg Tress

Trying to debug wireless problems

619 03/20/2008 06:52 PM Ben Poole

encoders might work now

618 03/18/2008 07:42 PM Jason knichel

added some comments

617 03/18/2008 07:02 PM Evan Mullinix

changed orbs to use binary constants to see if its fixed

616 03/17/2008 09:49 PM John Sexton

Troubleshooting orb driver code on new charge stations. Currently unable to write to pins.

615 03/17/2008 09:16 PM David Schultz

It worked in initial trials without the orbit code, and worked a couple of times after the addition of the orbit code. Still not stable though.

614 03/17/2008 08:43 PM Brad Neuman

ran two tests with the same battery, same conditions, different inductor.
The numbers are looking somewhat iffy, but workable.

613 03/17/2008 07:58 PM Jason knichel

added some prints that are commented out with DEBUGGING PRINT above it that can be uncommented out later for debugging purposes

did we do anything else?

612 03/17/2008 07:35 PM Evan Mullinix

added orb driver code for new charging station

611 03/17/2008 07:33 PM Evan Mullinix

added folder for charging station drivers

610 03/03/2008 10:49 PM Brad Neuman

no explosions! removed hack from ConstantCharging.c and ran a test w/ the medium inductor, no freq hack, and saved it in data

609 02/26/2008 09:12 PM Greg Tress

Updated Makefile for CGI access

608 02/26/2008 04:50 PM Greg Tress

Fixed exception handling ambiguity in colonetcgi helper app

607 02/26/2008 11:30 AM James Kong

updated aaai citation on Thought paper

606 02/25/2008 10:36 PM Greg Tress

Added Makefile for HTTP access

605 02/25/2008 10:20 PM Greg Tress

Added JavaScript file for HTTP access

604 02/25/2008 10:17 PM Greg Tress

Added iPhone access page

603 02/25/2008 10:15 PM Greg Tress

More HTTP access files

602 02/25/2008 09:50 PM Greg Tress

Added preliminary files for HTTP colonet interface

601 02/25/2008 09:46 PM Kevin Woo

Apparently there were changes to bom.c and bom.h since the last time the
library was compiled.

delay_ms has been rewritten to use _delay_loop_2 which is a 4 cycle
implementation of a delay written in assembly. This is questionably more
accurate but does not use floating point to make delays anymore. ...

600 02/25/2008 08:24 PM Chris Mar

added all previous SURG papers (under trunk/pub/papers/SURG)

599 02/25/2008 07:49 PM Justin Scheiner

General work on SLAM

598 02/25/2008 07:42 PM Kevin Woo

Modified version of the AAAI paper for Thought.

597 02/25/2008 07:01 PM Kevin Woo

Added the magnetic encoder datasheet.

596 02/21/2008 04:17 PM Greg Tress

Updated iterator code to for-each loops

595 02/21/2008 12:19 AM Austin Buchan

Fixed some logical and typo errors in documentation

594 02/21/2008 12:14 AM Austin Buchan

The changes in bom and dragonfly_lib are the result of me and James rehashing the bom driver code. This now includes the updated analog reading, and control of the BOM1.5's emitter selection capability. The emitter selection has been verified, but I had to change the way reading the detectors works, so that needs to be re-tested for BOM and BOM1.5

593 02/20/2008 10:32 PM Chris Mar

turned down speed on smart_run_around...recharging seemed to work better (very subjective, I admit). cannot attempt demo video until wireless issues are figured out (i.e. wireless "button press").

592 02/20/2008 09:18 PM Brad Neuman

bigger inductor seems to not work without the freq hack

591 02/20/2008 07:54 PM David Schultz

BFS worked in 2 out of many trials with 2 robots. However, it dropped wireless a lot and changes states more than it should.

590 02/19/2008 07:48 PM Greg Tress

Robot vector controller works, with motor status diagram

589 02/19/2008 07:26 PM Austin Buchan

added tricolor datasheet in htm form

588 02/19/2008 06:52 PM Austin Buchan

Had to use a different schematic for the orbs since we ordered from a different company. everything is updated accordingly

587 02/19/2008 02:44 PM Greg Tress

adding graphical display for robot motor status

586 02/19/2008 02:39 PM Greg Tress

added single-instruction commands for robot movement

585 02/19/2008 02:29 PM Greg Tress

removed old code

584 02/18/2008 10:10 PM Brad Neuman

added a define value for the change in direction used by the fsm.
code worked in my trail w/ robot 1 as the decoy, robo 7 as the driver

583 02/18/2008 09:34 PM ibrin

finished my lights driver, but it doesn't work; it turns the lights on to one color, and they stay that way, no matter what.

582 02/18/2008 09:12 PM David Schultz

bfs_fsm without the orbit behavior at the end

581 02/18/2008 08:57 PM Jason knichel

wireless library now times out instead of infinitely looping in waiting for ok

580 02/18/2008 08:43 PM Victor Marmol

Updated bom.c and bom.h to implement James' changes for BOM1.5

579 02/18/2008 07:48 PM Greg Tress

Automatic repaint

578 02/18/2008 07:36 PM John Sexton
577 02/18/2008 07:34 PM David Schultz

orbit code

576 02/18/2008 06:44 PM Eugene Marinelli

removed build dir

575 02/18/2008 06:43 PM Eugene Marinelli

top level makefile for colonet

574 02/18/2008 04:28 PM Greg Tress

Changed applet appearance to enable Aqua look and feel on Macs

573 02/18/2008 01:30 PM Ben Poole

potentially functional SPI driver, will test tonight

572 02/18/2008 01:19 PM Ben Poole

more broken code

571 02/15/2008 07:29 PM Austin Buchan

Added the panelization information. Basically this is all you need to send to 33each or whatever fab place to get it made. panelization.txt has info about the layout, also updated shopping_list.xls to have the right USB connector, and added parts.txt which is a list from the eagle layout, and usb_conn.pdf.

570 02/14/2008 07:33 PM Greg Tress

Applet requests battery readings from all visible robots

569 02/14/2008 05:31 PM Austin Buchan

Shopping list, header library, final layout. Silkscreen layer is values

568 02/13/2008 07:53 PM Chris Mar

updated comments for BOM wrapper functions. no compiler warnings since they just call the new code.

567 02/13/2008 07:47 PM Greg Tress

added a 'make run' command to run the applet on optimusprime

566 02/13/2008 06:52 PM Eugene Marinelli

removed data print; changed ip addr

565 02/13/2008 06:52 PM Kevin Woo

More testing. Transmission is messed up.

564 02/13/2008 02:58 PM Kevin Woo

Read the datasheet again and I think we had things out of order.
Reversed the order but didn't test yet.

563 02/12/2008 11:11 PM Austin Buchan

Close to final layout

562 02/12/2008 09:19 PM Greg Tress

fixed a null pointer exception

561 02/12/2008 08:55 PM Greg Tress

battery meters should work

560 02/12/2008 08:04 PM Greg Tress

added iterator code to replace looping (should be thread safe)

559 02/12/2008 07:55 PM Greg Tress

reorganized some code

558 02/12/2008 06:06 PM Eugene Marinelli

updated readme more

557 02/12/2008 05:46 PM Eugene Marinelli

updated readme

556 02/12/2008 02:46 PM Greg Tress

code optimizations for applet

555 02/12/2008 01:48 PM Eugene Marinelli

messing with fonts in client

554 02/12/2008 01:16 PM John Sexton

Recopied original template file that didn't have experiments in it.

553 02/12/2008 01:09 PM John Sexton

Branch Clean-up.

552 02/12/2008 11:23 AM John Sexton

Creation of branch for work with new charge stations.

551 02/12/2008 11:06 AM John Sexton

Cleaning up accidental branch.

550 02/12/2008 12:27 AM Eugene Marinelli

failed attempt to fix colonet robot code

549 02/12/2008 12:26 AM Greg Tress

fixed various runtime exceptions in the applet

548 02/11/2008 10:33 PM Austin Buchan

Board is now updated with probable final layout locations, now just need to route :(

547 02/11/2008 10:17 PM Brad Neuman

EXPLOSION! aka the boards are now testable and hopefully won't explode next time.
ConstantCharging.c currently has the frequency hack
the two data files are real battery tests

546 02/11/2008 09:53 PM Kevin Woo

Modified spi.c/h. Sends 1 packet before failing. Funny light blinking
thing happens when sending, no idea where that came from. It looks like
the orbs are used as transmit lights but there's no code for that as far
as I know.

545 02/11/2008 09:43 PM Greg Tress

Fixed robot selection

544 02/11/2008 09:23 PM ibrin

worked on lights driver, set up everything except a sort and a time-split calculating method

543 02/11/2008 09:20 PM ibrin

Lights branch

542 02/11/2008 09:05 PM Eugene Marinelli

fixed exception on disconnect in client

541 02/11/2008 09:03 PM Justin Scheiner

Further work on SLAM...

540 02/11/2008 09:01 PM Rich Hong

battery code now works

539 02/11/2008 09:01 PM Eugene Marinelli

spaces to tabs in colonet client

538 02/11/2008 08:58 PM Brian Coltin

Non-working update to wireless, sending separate packet for passing the token.

537 02/11/2008 08:57 PM Jason knichel

fixed a bug caused because when you insert into a C++ map when the key already exists, it ignores it instead of
replacing the value with the new value

536 02/11/2008 08:45 PM David Schultz

removed any conflict with other fsm variables.
added tentative orbit stop, which needs encoders to be accurate.

535 02/11/2008 08:40 PM Eugene Marinelli

more colonet client cleanup

534 02/11/2008 08:40 PM Jason knichel

wrote some code to smooth robot identification across frames to help stop falsely losing robots
changed the vision thresholds

533 02/11/2008 08:22 PM Eugene Marinelli

separate file for RobotIcon in client

532 02/11/2008 08:05 PM Eugene Marinelli

fixed NPE in client

531 02/11/2008 07:54 PM Eugene Marinelli

more cleanup of client

530 02/11/2008 07:38 PM Rich Hong

change battery() to battery8()

529 02/11/2008 07:12 PM John Sexton

made a copy

528 02/11/2008 07:09 PM Brian Coltin

Created a branch for wireless development.

527 02/11/2008 06:48 PM Eugene Marinelli

cleanup of trailing spaces in client

526 02/11/2008 05:37 PM Eugene Marinelli

debugging for robot

525 02/11/2008 03:58 PM Justin Scheiner

Did some slam work, trying to get together a good statistical way of reading range values.
There will be experimenting.... boring horrible experimenting