


| Branch: | Revision:

root / scout / messages @ 619a1b8d

# Date Author Comment
93cebb99 11/03/2013 04:02 PM Yuyang Guo

added BomControl class and to the scout sensor

f425a9ff 10/27/2013 03:12 PM Yuyang Guo

modify the bom service type

9cba97ba 10/27/2013 02:54 PM Yuyang Guo

add bom service definitions in messages

7db6cf9f 04/28/2013 01:47 PM Priya

Changed all TODO and @TODO to @todo to conform to doxygen.

34a60a3b 04/14/2013 02:34 PM Priya

Added RungeKutta to the helper classes and changed the odometry to use that instead. Also created PaintboardControl files, changed the Makefile to compile all control classes and deleted Cliffsensor control becase it did not work.

a38fa869 04/14/2013 02:30 PM Yuyang Guo

wrote metal detector class and messages. Untested.

dbbad8ed 04/01/2013 06:57 PM Thomas Mullins

Added a reset() function to EncodersControl. Untested.

673f8af1 03/23/2013 03:24 PM Alex Zirbel

Added messages/services I forgot to add earlier.

4bdd00ba 03/19/2013 04:50 PM Thomas Mullins

Changed cliff_status_changed to a singe int8 bitmask

071926c2 03/04/2013 08:28 PM Alex Zirbel

Retired (deleted) unused packages.

Moved their msg/srv definitions to the messages/ package instead, and revised the libscout and scoutsim files that depended on those namespaces.

36664e39 11/16/2012 05:44 PM Priya

Changed Odometry to publish a ScoutPosition message with the scoutname, x, y, and theta.

887b4a1a 11/07/2012 12:36 PM Thomas Mullins

Removed bom.cpp, bom.h, get_bom_reading.srv, and query_sonar.srv

Removed them for real this time; not pretend :D

71d57001 02/16/2012 04:33 PM Thomas Mullins

Added WirelessSender class to libscout

WirelessSender will hold some metadata like packet destination, pan, and
channel, and will publish a WirelessPacket (also, added
messsages/WirelessPacket.msg) to /wireless/send
So far, lacks proper documentation and static functions similarly named...

0121ead7 10/07/2011 10:26 PM Ben Wasserman

Added the ROS stack with the libscout, motors, and sonar packages to the reposititory, and associated files. There are probably still things missing. Libscout won't run properly, but it and motors will compile. Sonar is probably broken, but nothing depends on it yet, so this shouldn't be an issue.