move.h File Reference

Contains definitions for controlling robot motion. More...

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#define FWD   0
 Move forwards.
#define BCK   1
 Move backwards.
#define SLOW_SPD   96
 A slow speed.
#define HALF_SPD   128
 Half of the full speed.
#define NRML_SPD   160
 A normal speed.
#define FAST_SPD   192
 A fast speed.
#define FULL_SPD   255
 The maximum speed.
#define SLOW_TURN   64
 A slow turning speed.
#define NRML_TURN   96
 A medium turning speed.
#define FAST_TURN   128
 A high turning speed.


void move (int velocity, int omega)
 Move the robot at the specified velocity.
void move_avoid (int velocity, int omega, int strength)
 Move the robot while avoiding obstacles.

Detailed Description

Contains definitions for controlling robot motion.

This file offers higher-level functions for robot motion.

Colony Project, CMU Robotics Club

Generated on Mon Sep 22 22:30:16 2008 for libdragonfly by  doxygen 1.5.4