battery.h File Reference

Definitions for checking battery voltage. More...

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#define BATTERY_NORMALV   154
 Normal battery voltage. (6 V).
#define BATTERY_CHARINGV   179
 Charging battery voltage. (7 V).
#define BATTERY_LOWV   152
 Low battery voltage. ( < 6 V).


int battery8 (void)
 Read the battery voltage.
int battery (void)
 Read the battery voltage in deciVolts.
char battery_low (void)
 Check if the battery is low.
int battery8_avg (int n_samples)
 get an average battery voltage reading.

Detailed Description

Definitions for checking battery voltage.

Contains definitions for checking the voltage of the battery.

Colony Project, CMU Robotics Club

Generated on Mon Sep 22 22:30:16 2008 for libdragonfly by  doxygen 1.5.4