


General Meeting 10/12/011

  • Discussed what the client should be able to tell the device to do
    1. turn off data being transmitted(mentioned turn off ADC too but this is a problem for multiple devices)
    2. control voltage scale
  • Discussed what kind of information the client and device will send to each other
    1. initially the client will send a request to the device with its information
    2. the device will respond with its specs
      1. version
      2. battery rating
      3. inputs
        1. max frequency
        2. min voltage
        3. max voltage
  1. battery life heartbeart message sent every x seconds
  1. device will send its sampled voltage over to the client at fixed frequencies or not at all depending on clients preferences
  • will use JSON to send over the data
  • device will know what wifi settings to connect to through initial usb program instantiation