


| Branch: | Revision:

root / scout @ d34f8273

# Date Author Comment
d34f8273 11/12/2012 06:54 PM Alex Zirbel

Removed the initial default scout spawn.

This should be taken care of by the GUI or launch file somehow.

631b8a4c 11/12/2012 06:53 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

594c3bb9 11/12/2012 06:52 PM Alex Zirbel

Loads specific images for each scout if they exist

Otherwise, looks in the images folder for scout.png.
Added a few default scouts with numbers, and the xcf files they were created from.

9a88eb2e 11/12/2012 06:34 PM Priya

Fixed pause so that it compiles. Also changed behavior gui so that it starts with Scout1 automatically.

b1fdaaf6 11/09/2012 06:11 PM Hui Jun Tay

Added toggle for Sonar. Added backsonar indicate
-Sonar can be toggled under Sim -> Sonar
-Front and Back onars now display most recent scan point as a green dot

27f73b95 11/09/2012 10:45 AM Matt Bryant

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


4b02e3c0 11/09/2012 10:40 AM Matt Bryant

Added pause behavior to list

a107608f 11/09/2012 10:39 AM Matt Bryant

Added new behavior to makefile

887b4a1a 11/07/2012 12:36 PM Thomas Mullins

Removed bom.cpp, bom.h, get_bom_reading.srv, and query_sonar.srv

Removed them for real this time; not pretend :D

b23c6bbb 11/07/2012 12:35 PM Thomas Mullins

Changed get_bom_reading.srv to bom.msg

Also, removed bom.cpp and bom.h since there won't be a bom node running
on the Gumstix.

68b23184 11/02/2012 01:03 PM viki

Scoutsim: Added Sonar Toggle

Sonar display can now be toggled via Menu->Sim->Sonar

0e77683c 10/28/2012 09:24 PM Alex Zirbel

Added built-in scoutsim teleop!

759ac4fc 10/28/2012 07:48 PM Alex Zirbel

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e2770306 10/28/2012 07:48 PM Alex Zirbel

Generate a blank image for lines/walls if one doesn't exist.

43b327cb 10/28/2012 06:01 PM viki

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

6639ce9c 10/28/2012 05:58 PM viki

Edited Sonar to display points on simulator.

Changed rate of sonar scan to 0.5s
Made a new wxDC graphics object for sonar

479d25d8 10/28/2012 04:48 PM Priya

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3db79f25 10/28/2012 04:47 PM Priya

Fixed Odometry behavior so that it now works and then added a get readings functionality to sonarcontrol.

d140fd71 10/28/2012 04:37 PM Yuyang

Added Sensors class that abstracts away sensors from behaviors. Stops creating
duplicated sensors for each scout.

8a4624e7 10/28/2012 03:49 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

8efaf0cc 10/28/2012 03:46 PM Alex Zirbel

Added race_walls again, whoops.

3e877fe7 10/28/2012 03:43 PM Alex Zirbel

Added a new grid map for testing.

1d819b33 10/28/2012 02:57 PM Alex Zirbel

Updated scout size. Now 1px = 0.5cm.

dfb92d66 10/26/2012 06:40 PM Matt Bryant

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

5755691e 10/26/2012 06:31 PM Matt Bryant

Added initial GUI for testing, renamed cw and ccw behaviors

71e1154d 10/26/2012 06:20 PM Alex Zirbel

Sonar works!

Also added new testing files for sonar - maps/racetest*.bmp

a2e6bd4c 10/25/2012 10:02 PM Alex Zirbel

Added sonar, though it looks buggy.

Use sonar_viz to continue debugging and make sonar work!

7e9a19f4 10/21/2012 05:29 PM Thomas Mullins

Added flush to motors node so hardware values actually change

ed37d345 10/20/2012 11:29 AM Thomas Mullins

Finished adding gpio control to motors node

I changed the Motor constructor to take pin numbers instead of file
names, and construct the file names itself. All that remains in testing.

560d2317 10/14/2012 04:41 PM Thomas Mullins

Added forward/backward support to motors node

cc9e9213 10/13/2012 11:18 AM Thomas Mullins

Changed motors node to write to pwm device files

7ffad595 10/07/2012 11:12 PM Alex Zirbel

Added walls to the scoutsim visualizer.

a8987cda 10/07/2012 10:41 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixes to WirelessReceiver and wl_test

Changed receive callback to use std::function so we can use std::bind to
pass non-static member functions. There is still a weird problem where
WirelessReceiver::dummy gets called many times for each incoming packet
in wl_test.

1d1281cc 10/07/2012 07:10 PM Priya

Broke the build and then fixed it. Now onto testing!

993bf085 10/07/2012 07:00 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

82f3f746 10/07/2012 06:59 PM Priya

Added wireless handling to scoutsim. Untested.

23b8119f 10/07/2012 06:53 PM Alex Zirbel

Just commented out a line of unused code.

c76aac7a 05/08/2012 10:55 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

5e1adeb1 05/08/2012 10:52 PM Alex Zirbel

Added delay to kickstart file to make sure scoutsim gets set up.

Not like anyone cares.

5354037a 05/08/2012 10:48 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

11aa087a 05/08/2012 10:44 PM Priya

Demo almost working Scouts go home! a

da08d580 05/08/2012 10:42 PM Alex Zirbel

Added launch files for the demo and made a little change to the
argument checker to make them work.

58c19c15 05/07/2012 03:26 PM Priya

better warehouse image (corresponds with lines now) and demo. Now only thing left is to implement home behavior.

afa9104d 05/06/2012 07:33 PM Priya

Ok Scheduler warehouse behaviour working! and linefollowing works better now! Onto better demo.

1905324e 04/26/2012 01:22 AM Priya

Trying to make the warehouse robot drive around

58371433 04/25/2012 11:45 PM Priya

Renaming to line follow and getting rid of old linefollowing files.

351f71d1 04/25/2012 11:04 PM Priya

adding maps for warehouse and fixing strtok issue in wh_robot that massed up curr_task

b14656f5 04/24/2012 06:29 PM Leon Zhang

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

0e9eb730 04/24/2012 06:29 PM Leon Zhang

some testing done on WH_robot exec_task, issue pinpointed to curr_task's dest being stored as 0, not fixed yet

f8655f01 04/24/2012 06:28 PM Priya

made the linefollowing a bit more reliable

ae21730e 04/24/2012 06:21 PM Priya

Sim line can make turns now! yay

53201802 04/24/2012 05:52 PM Leon Zhang

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

d37cfc69 04/24/2012 05:51 PM Leon Zhang

WH_robot goes home in exec_task, follow_path function added; untested

26562d0c 04/24/2012 05:49 PM Priya

Adding wl_test files that were not added before

5d0687a9 04/24/2012 04:22 PM Priya

Small changes to wireless, and starting turning with line following.

1487bc56 04/17/2012 05:12 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

ad5b5826 04/17/2012 05:11 PM Priya

some fixes to whrobot and scheduler

a5c04212 04/14/2012 06:03 PM roboclub

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

2bd58ddb 04/14/2012 06:03 PM roboclub

updated teleop; now works for multiple scoutsim robots

83db6c2c 04/10/2012 06:50 PM Priya

Line following code made bettergit status

5f16a3b8 04/10/2012 06:25 PM roboclub

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

b2876335 04/10/2012 06:25 PM roboclub

fixed scheduler array access, no more segfaulting, but hangs

b2703230 04/10/2012 06:10 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

a3539955 04/10/2012 06:09 PM Alex Zirbel

Fully working linefollowing. Instructions:

rosrun scoutsim scoutsim_node race
rosrun libscout libscout scout1 6

4c495190 04/10/2012 05:45 PM roboclub

reduced teleop delay, scout drives forward now

86222358 04/10/2012 05:24 PM roboclub

really really fixing teleop this time

80c7ac0b 04/10/2012 05:16 PM roboclub

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

9bde6dd9 04/10/2012 05:16 PM roboclub

fixed incorrect delay in teleop yay

ebb19fe0 04/10/2012 05:00 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

5866cb38 04/10/2012 04:59 PM Alex Zirbel

Linesensor tested and done!

ade1b7f9 04/10/2012 04:53 PM Alex Zirbel

Basic line sensor readings!

7ac5e9bc 04/09/2012 11:08 PM Priya

ROS scheduler/whrobot behavior needs to be debugged

5bd763bc 04/09/2012 09:43 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

1034f829 04/09/2012 09:41 PM Alex Zirbel

Added LinesensorControl =(

fa8e76a4 04/09/2012 09:40 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

3f72678f 04/09/2012 09:40 PM Priya

Changing scheduler and WH robot to ROS messages

72a875cc 04/09/2012 09:39 PM Alex Zirbel

Added linesensor package.

af0d9743 04/09/2012 08:00 PM Alex Zirbel

Added template linesensors to scoutsim

e7b4f56d 04/09/2012 05:35 PM Alex Zirbel

Added sim_line behavior for line follow testing.

dc742c14 04/09/2012 05:31 PM Alex Zirbel

Fixed bugs and compiler warnings in old code.

dee6320c 04/09/2012 01:58 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


26258aeb 04/09/2012 01:57 PM Alex Zirbel

Added linesensor to the behavior class.

a6b47edc 04/07/2012 07:44 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

aac281d5 04/07/2012 07:44 PM Priya

Forgot to add scheduler to behavior list

6761a531 04/07/2012 07:43 PM Priya

Pushing modified behavior process that requires less arguments and appends scoutname to ros node name. and a compiling but not tested version of test_behaviors (scheduler and wh_robot)

e1d66e9a 04/07/2012 07:17 PM roboclub

splitting up teleop into two separate processes, delay is in the wrong place whoops

2f025967 04/03/2012 06:40 PM Priya

Got scheduler to compile. onto wh robots

92d4adda 03/27/2012 06:21 PM Priya

added get worst case time to wh_robot

cc399ab3 03/27/2012 06:19 PM Priya

added get_worst_case_time to nav maps

5e2c3dc1 03/26/2012 04:51 PM Alex Zirbel

New scout images.

9491b3e2 03/25/2012 12:22 AM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

2eaafff2 03/25/2012 12:21 AM Alex Zirbel

Added maps and menus in scoutsim.

Menu options for about, quit, clear, and viewing different maps.

9b4328d7 03/24/2012 07:16 PM Priya

Merged WH_Robots with other files

ca164875 03/24/2012 07:16 PM Leon

updating Order with util functs

fe8da1b9 03/24/2012 06:42 PM Leon

minor edit to prev push

a4378953 03/24/2012 06:40 PM Leon

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

bebd9bcb 03/24/2012 06:40 PM Leon

WH_Robot preliminary code, untested

6642eee3 03/24/2012 06:35 PM Priya

Fixed some bugs in navmap

76cefba1 03/24/2012 05:48 PM Priya

Merged scheduler implementations and modified order structrure class

bd699151 03/24/2012 04:51 PM unknown

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://