


| Branch: | Revision:

root / scout / libscout @ 6ebee82c

# Date Author Comment
6ebee82c 03/23/2013 02:44 PM Alex Zirbel

Moved all messages to the messages/ folder.

This meant changing a lot of includes and things.

bda6eaa0 03/23/2013 02:12 PM Alex Zirbel

Removed BehaviorList.cpp and h, since they are autogenerated.

c33e5aa4 03/23/2013 01:55 PM Alex Zirbel

Fixed CW and CCW circle behaviors to turn the right way XD

4026134b 03/23/2013 01:49 PM Alex Zirbel

Added Behavior::wait() to spinOnce for a duration.

Also added maze_solve_simple which always turns right.

caba2d8a 03/04/2013 09:14 PM Yuyang Guo

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

36701fcd 03/04/2013 09:12 PM Yuyang Guo

added new Odometry in test behaviors, done some simple testing in scoutsim

071926c2 03/04/2013 08:28 PM Alex Zirbel

Retired (deleted) unused packages.

Moved their msg/srv definitions to the messages/ package instead, and revised the libscout and scoutsim files that depended on those namespaces.

1057a46d 03/04/2013 07:06 PM Alex Zirbel

Removed old files and test executables.

cfef1cdc 03/03/2013 03:13 PM Yuyang Guo

fixed the issue of behavior list not corresponding to the GUI list
of behaviors

7f2ccb46 02/28/2013 05:05 PM Alex Zirbel

Fixed up the smart_runaround behavior to integrate it fully.

8b7d6f99 02/28/2013 04:55 PM Alex Zirbel

Updated BehaviorList with the new smart_runaround.

c9638ad1 02/28/2013 04:55 PM Alex Zirbel

Added BehaviorList templates.

5dd9f396 02/28/2013 04:54 PM Alex Zirbel

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6350051e 02/28/2013 04:52 PM Alex Zirbel

Added a script to auto-generate BehaviorList files.

This includes some sub-changes: * Restructured behaviors/ folder into behaviors/, test_behaviors/ and limbo_behaviors/ * Added a new CMakeLists.txt that automatically finds behaviors in their folders * Removed the obsolete trafficNavigtaion.*...

2fd5122a 02/28/2013 04:49 PM viki

Add smart runaround behaviors.

a69f6363 02/28/2013 04:46 PM viki

Test commit for new clone.

2e8030ea 02/24/2013 03:11 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


dcf49526 02/24/2013 03:08 PM Priya

Overwrote the ROS sigint handler so now behaviours stop and die and stop motors upon exiting.

414d2b48 02/19/2013 11:32 PM Alex Zirbel

Updated line follow code to make turns for Lab 2.

Also upgraded at_destination and LineSensor::destination() for Intro Lab 2.

af7e0f94 02/19/2013 06:18 PM Alex Zirbel

Added new at_destination functionality.

Maze turns are buggy and are the next order of business.

40659cb8 02/17/2013 03:57 PM Colony Scout

More fixes to launch scripts (poorly written by Tom ;)

0fb861bc 02/17/2013 03:48 PM Thomas Mullins

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

e203e719 02/17/2013 03:48 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed launch script error

92019044 02/17/2013 03:44 PM Hui Jun Tay

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c06735bb 02/17/2013 03:42 PM Hui Jun Tay

Removed headers, sonar uses custom timestamp, added code to manually update timestamp

94ec93e0 02/17/2013 03:18 PM Yuyang Guo

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c467de4f 02/17/2013 03:16 PM Yuyang Guo

running libscout behaviors without specifying a name should
make everything publish directly (e.g., to /set_motor instead of
/scout1/set_motor) and thus should work on hardware.

d2acabf3 02/17/2013 03:04 PM Thomas Mullins

Added rosscout.launch in libscout

On startup, it will now launch rosscout instead of rosserial. rosscout
includes rosserial, motors, encoders, and any other helper nodes added

679f4e26 02/17/2013 02:17 PM Priya

Freeing memory we allocate. Yay!

6ee555a3 02/14/2013 01:44 PM Priya

Changed scout constants to refresh faster. Also retuned linefollowing for faster refresh rate.

164c2505 02/03/2013 06:47 PM Priya

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fa5ca6e3 02/03/2013 06:46 PM Priya

Fixed pause not working with the GUI. Also removed super annoying printf from MotorControl. And also fixed some pause/resume GUI bugs and the fact that process.kill and process.terminate wouldnt do anything.

3493418f 02/03/2013 06:07 PM Alex Zirbel

Removed 'priya_draw_name' include from BehaviorList.

80224838 02/03/2013 05:16 PM Priya

Hacky fix to pause to work around issue that sending motor commands sometimes does nothing.

faa11f08 02/03/2013 04:54 PM Priya

Changed it so that all behaviors are not instantiated immediately. Also changed pause so it does not spam (0, 0) motor speeds.

360e3b6c 01/30/2013 08:09 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed segfault from LinesensorControl when the service call failed

cfdb3afa 01/29/2013 07:18 PM Alex Zirbel

Added latching to publishers so the first message gets noticed.

f325b893 01/06/2013 06:50 PM Alex Zirbel

Added conversions abs_to_rel and rel_to_abs.

Also, added warnings after these conversions in the case that a requested speed has to be cropped.

Tested against a temporary behavior which set the speeds (now removed since it's very easy to write such a test behavior).

4e393fcc 01/04/2013 05:46 PM Alex Zirbel

Added code for unit conversion, pending tests.

f3549f76 01/04/2013 04:07 PM Alex Zirbel

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9d9e04ba 01/04/2013 04:06 PM Alex Zirbel

Old little changes to sonar.

c840fbe6 12/02/2012 07:36 PM Priya

Changed linefollowing so that turns start working once again. Also fixed some bugs with maze solving.

2b0c2534 12/02/2012 07:06 PM Priya

Called spinOnce to update sonar readings.

a2b7e8f1 12/02/2012 05:47 PM Priya

Registered a default callback for wireless receiver. Also added default virtual constructor.

754da79f 12/02/2012 05:18 PM Priya

Added the behavior to behavior list and cmakelists and made things compile.

f878b5f9 12/02/2012 05:03 PM Priya

Finished writing up the maze solving behavior.

64ee446f 12/01/2012 01:10 AM Yuyang

a poor barebone of maze_solve that I wasn't able to finish

7f095440 11/30/2012 07:55 PM Priya

Sepearated refresh rate for scouts and for the simulator.

6fab3966 11/30/2012 07:21 PM Alex Zirbel

Fixed the line following code.

Now works with new units
Fixed a bug with reading the line location, correctly centering the line between -3.5 and 3.5 rather than -4 and 3.
Also fixed a bug caused by overflow in absolute speeds sent to motor control, which fixed bouncing in line following.

25694a03 11/17/2012 02:29 AM Priya

Changes so that scout1 automatically spawns upon creation of the
simulator environment, and that line follow just continuously follows
lines instead of prior line-following-capability testing code.

ddfeb111 11/17/2012 02:15 AM Priya

Fixing bugs with ghost scout (these were problems in odometry related
to constants in the simulator and coordinate frame and theta representation
in the simulator). Also made ghost scout translucent in order to differentiate

30a3768e 11/16/2012 05:45 PM Priya

Last commit did not contain changes to Odometry behavior. Gits dumb.

16d4e150 11/12/2012 07:46 PM Priya

Fixed pause and resume. Kind of. There are lots of bugs with the GUI.

9a88eb2e 11/12/2012 06:34 PM Priya

Fixed pause so that it compiles. Also changed behavior gui so that it starts with Scout1 automatically.

27f73b95 11/09/2012 10:45 AM Matt Bryant

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


4b02e3c0 11/09/2012 10:40 AM Matt Bryant

Added pause behavior to list

a107608f 11/09/2012 10:39 AM Matt Bryant

Added new behavior to makefile

479d25d8 10/28/2012 04:48 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

3db79f25 10/28/2012 04:47 PM Priya

Fixed Odometry behavior so that it now works and then added a get readings functionality to sonarcontrol.

d140fd71 10/28/2012 04:37 PM Yuyang

Added Sensors class that abstracts away sensors from behaviors. Stops creating
duplicated sensors for each scout.

dfb92d66 10/26/2012 06:40 PM Matt Bryant

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5755691e 10/26/2012 06:31 PM Matt Bryant

Added initial GUI for testing, renamed cw and ccw behaviors

560d2317 10/14/2012 04:41 PM Thomas Mullins

Added forward/backward support to motors node

a8987cda 10/07/2012 10:41 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixes to WirelessReceiver and wl_test

Changed receive callback to use std::function so we can use std::bind to
pass non-static member functions. There is still a weird problem where
WirelessReceiver::dummy gets called many times for each incoming packet
in wl_test.

c76aac7a 05/08/2012 10:55 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

5e1adeb1 05/08/2012 10:52 PM Alex Zirbel

Added delay to kickstart file to make sure scoutsim gets set up.

Not like anyone cares.

5354037a 05/08/2012 10:48 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

11aa087a 05/08/2012 10:44 PM Priya

Demo almost working Scouts go home! a

da08d580 05/08/2012 10:42 PM Alex Zirbel

Added launch files for the demo and made a little change to the
argument checker to make them work.

58c19c15 05/07/2012 03:26 PM Priya

better warehouse image (corresponds with lines now) and demo. Now only thing left is to implement home behavior.

afa9104d 05/06/2012 07:33 PM Priya

Ok Scheduler warehouse behaviour working! and linefollowing works better now! Onto better demo.

1905324e 04/26/2012 01:22 AM Priya

Trying to make the warehouse robot drive around

58371433 04/25/2012 11:45 PM Priya

Renaming to line follow and getting rid of old linefollowing files.

351f71d1 04/25/2012 11:04 PM Priya

adding maps for warehouse and fixing strtok issue in wh_robot that massed up curr_task

b14656f5 04/24/2012 06:29 PM Leon Zhang

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0e9eb730 04/24/2012 06:29 PM Leon Zhang

some testing done on WH_robot exec_task, issue pinpointed to curr_task's dest being stored as 0, not fixed yet

f8655f01 04/24/2012 06:28 PM Priya

made the linefollowing a bit more reliable

ae21730e 04/24/2012 06:21 PM Priya

Sim line can make turns now! yay

53201802 04/24/2012 05:52 PM Leon Zhang

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

d37cfc69 04/24/2012 05:51 PM Leon Zhang

WH_robot goes home in exec_task, follow_path function added; untested

26562d0c 04/24/2012 05:49 PM Priya

Adding wl_test files that were not added before

5d0687a9 04/24/2012 04:22 PM Priya

Small changes to wireless, and starting turning with line following.

ad5b5826 04/17/2012 05:11 PM Priya

some fixes to whrobot and scheduler

83db6c2c 04/10/2012 06:50 PM Priya

Line following code made bettergit status

5f16a3b8 04/10/2012 06:25 PM roboclub

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

b2876335 04/10/2012 06:25 PM roboclub

fixed scheduler array access, no more segfaulting, but hangs

a3539955 04/10/2012 06:09 PM Alex Zirbel

Fully working linefollowing. Instructions:

rosrun scoutsim scoutsim_node race
rosrun libscout libscout scout1 6

ebb19fe0 04/10/2012 05:00 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

5866cb38 04/10/2012 04:59 PM Alex Zirbel

Linesensor tested and done!

ade1b7f9 04/10/2012 04:53 PM Alex Zirbel

Basic line sensor readings!

7ac5e9bc 04/09/2012 11:08 PM Priya

ROS scheduler/whrobot behavior needs to be debugged

5bd763bc 04/09/2012 09:43 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

1034f829 04/09/2012 09:41 PM Alex Zirbel

Added LinesensorControl =(

3f72678f 04/09/2012 09:40 PM Priya

Changing scheduler and WH robot to ROS messages

e7b4f56d 04/09/2012 05:35 PM Alex Zirbel

Added sim_line behavior for line follow testing.

dc742c14 04/09/2012 05:31 PM Alex Zirbel

Fixed bugs and compiler warnings in old code.

dee6320c 04/09/2012 01:58 PM Alex Zirbel

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26258aeb 04/09/2012 01:57 PM Alex Zirbel

Added linesensor to the behavior class.

aac281d5 04/07/2012 07:44 PM Priya

Forgot to add scheduler to behavior list

6761a531 04/07/2012 07:43 PM Priya

Pushing modified behavior process that requires less arguments and appends scoutname to ros node name. and a compiling but not tested version of test_behaviors (scheduler and wh_robot)