



From 11/09/2011 to 12/08/2011


05:16 PM Revision d1cc615c: actually removing what I removed
05:10 PM Revision 42e8c915: Rewrote libbuttons to use objects (ButtonControl).
Also removed query_motors (motors node now responsible for publishing changes)
bugfix: removed -lmotors from manifes...


01:17 AM Revision a8480867: Made a lot of changes to the general structure.
Applied object-orienting techniques to the code, cleaning it up considerably. Major design changes are as follows:
Alex Zirbel


10:14 PM Revision 2814387f: Updated motors code.
Changed the definitions for the set_motors message, which forced a few
implementation changes as well.
Changed "libs...
Alex Zirbel
08:17 PM Revision f0a9ebb3: Updated the motors class and set_motors message.
Still todo: update the query_motors service, make the util file exported as a library. Alex Zirbel
07:45 PM Revision 6d488cf1: Only added libbuttons files. Adding changes to libscout that make libbuttons w...
07:29 PM Revision 76a1593f: Added buttons to libscout. Compiles!


12:25 AM Revision dec96050: Made libscout compile. Changed behavior.cpp to set motors to the same speed in...
09:56 PM Revision 73cd5944: Added temporary scout images for turtlesim into the repository. Removed old tu...
09:43 PM Revision 266ae7f2: Added a template scout simulator class.
Scoutsim is modeled directly from turtlesim. At this point, the only changes are in names and indentation. A separate... Alex Zirbel


10:14 PM Revision 3ec16d35: Fixed bugs I saw in headlights code. Fixed object parameter missing error. Add...
Ben Wasserman
07:50 PM Revision 90c7a37c: Added libheadlights.cpp(cpp/h). Also updated constants.h and libscout.(cpp/h) ...
Ben Wasserman


06:40 PM Revision 3d0c1eda: Added behavior.cpp to CMakeLists.txt because I forgot to add it before.
Ben Wasserman
06:40 PM Revision 737bb380: Restructured libscout.(cpp/h) so the behavior main runs in a separate file, an...
Ben Wasserman
06:15 PM Revision 4589a2a9: Deleted compiler output files that were accidentally included in analog.
Ben Wasserman
05:45 PM Revision a99b48b8: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
Dev Gurjar
05:43 PM Revision 8e7baefc: cleaned up some files - should be ready to make.
Dev Gurjar
05:40 PM Revision ac0cc6b8: Fixed headlights/src/headlights.cpp to get rid of the compile-time bug. I forg...
Ben Wasserman


05:08 PM Revision 3d2a17df: Deleted obsolete file, fixed small bug in define statement
Dev Gurjar
04:56 PM Revision a826ac0f: Added files for analog from motors with modifications
Dev Gurjar


02:23 PM Revision 6b325ce4: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
02:22 PM Revision 75a7571a: Finished skeleton of cliffsensor node. Compiles.


02:26 AM Revision b3fc8ce7: de-crapping the repository. Kids, don't git add * if you don't know what you'r...
Jeff Cooper
02:21 AM Revision 836e2956: removed all the stuff from the compiler that I commited because I'm a moron
Jeff Cooper
02:13 AM Revision 286daac2: Added a @todo
Jeff Cooper
02:12 AM Revision dd4eb68c: Added the power node and skeleton
Jeff Cooper
10:47 PM Revision 8de28e68: Created structure for buttons node. Compiles. However event_button function is...


04:56 PM Revision cad1ab0c: Created ROS skeleton for Headlights node. Currently has functionality for gett...
Also, I haven't tried compiling this, but I didn't see any syntax errors. I'll compile it when I have a working ROS i... Ben Wasserman
09:59 PM Revision ceff1d29: Added a new bom node skeleton.
It works using one service that sends the goal bot and current bot in the
request and gets the information from the 4...
James Carroll

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