


AVR data types

Traditional types

Traditional integer types (deprecated):
  • (signed/unsigned) char - 1 byte
  • (signed/unsigned) short - 2 bytes
  • (signed/unsigned) int - 2 bytes
  • (signed/unsigned) long - 4 bytes
  • (signed/unsigned) long long - 8 bytes
Floating point types:
  • float - 4 bytes (floating point)
  • double - alias to float

C99 types

C99 defines the following integer types:
  • uint8_t/int8_t (1 byte, unsigned/signed)
  • uint16_t/int16_t (2 byte)
  • ...
When writing new code (or rewriting old code), the C99 types should be prefered for the following reasons:
  • Portability. When compiling the code for the PC (for use in the simulator), where the traditional types have a different size, programs might behave differently (especially if there are bugs due to variable overflow).
  • Readability. It is immediately clear which variable size is used. Note that code is read more often than written, so even if it is more inconvenient to type, it is still an advantage.
  • When writing the code, you have to make explicitly clear that you are using a 16 bit variable (instead of writing "int"), which introduce significant overhead on the AVR and should be avoided if possible.