
The Carnegie Mellon Robotics Club, also known as "Roboclub", is a student organization at Carnegie Mellon University. At the heart of our mission we are a makerspace & social space. Members use our space and tools to work on all sorts of robotics projects for classes, club projects, or just general curiosity. We were founded in 1984 which makes us one of the oldest collegiate robotics clubs in the world. Feel free to email us or visit our space anytime. Check out the FAQ and Projects section for more information. Check out a list of our posters here. Check out a list of our t-shirts here.

Join us

We are always open to new members, no matter if you are the most seasoned ex-high school roboticist or a new, excited enthusiast. To join, come to the club space and talk to an officer about paying dues and getting added to our social rooms. The club is open whenever an officer is in there, which you can confirm by checking our doortron banner on the homepage or seeing the office hour schedule (Check the Calendar page).

We collect dues for members to pay for food and consumables in the space. If these present a financial difficulty for you then please email us to work something out. We want everyone to have a chance to join Roboclub!