




# Date Author Comment
3d0c1eda 11/16/2011 06:40 PM Ben Wasserman

Added behavior.cpp to CMakeLists.txt because I forgot to add it before.

737bb380 11/16/2011 06:40 PM Ben Wasserman

Restructured libscout.(cpp/h) so the behavior main runs in a separate file, and just calls upon libscout.cpp for initialization. This behavior function can then be swapped out or changed, and the rest of the libscout node can be precompiled so it doesn't have to be recompiled every time.

4589a2a9 11/16/2011 06:15 PM Ben Wasserman

Deleted compiler output files that were accidentally included in analog.

a99b48b8 11/16/2011 05:45 PM Dev Gurjar

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

8e7baefc 11/16/2011 05:43 PM Dev Gurjar

cleaned up some files - should be ready to make.

ac0cc6b8 11/16/2011 05:40 PM Ben Wasserman

Fixed headlights/src/headlights.cpp to get rid of the compile-time bug. I forgot to dereference a pointer in the message subscriber that subscribes to set_headlights.

3d2a17df 11/14/2011 05:08 PM Dev Gurjar

Deleted obsolete file, fixed small bug in define statement

a826ac0f 11/14/2011 04:56 PM Dev Gurjar

Added files for analog from motors with modifications

6b325ce4 11/12/2011 02:23 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

75a7571a 11/12/2011 02:22 PM Priya

Finished skeleton of cliffsensor node. Compiles.

b3fc8ce7 11/11/2011 02:26 AM Jeff Cooper

de-crapping the repository. Kids, don't git add * if you don't know what you're doing.

836e2956 11/11/2011 02:21 AM Jeff Cooper

removed all the stuff from the compiler that I commited because I'm a moron

286daac2 11/11/2011 02:13 AM Jeff Cooper

Added a @todo

dd4eb68c 11/11/2011 02:12 AM Jeff Cooper

Added the power node and skeleton

8de28e68 11/10/2011 10:47 PM Priya

Created structure for buttons node. Compiles. However event_button function is not written.

cad1ab0c 11/10/2011 04:56 PM Ben Wasserman

Created ROS skeleton for Headlights node. Currently has functionality for getting headlights set via a message and setting some variables to the message contents, but doesn't write to hardware. Also does not include code in libscout to support headlights yet....

ceff1d29 11/09/2011 09:59 PM James Carroll

Added a new bom node skeleton.

It works using one service that sends the goal bot and current bot in the
request and gets the information from the 4 boms back in the response.
I did not actually implement the communication with the bom because that
requires communication with the avr, which is beyond my knowledge....

14736c0c 11/02/2011 06:25 PM Ben Wasserman

Updated motors.cpp and motors.h with small stylistic changes.

7cb5de78 11/02/2011 06:23 PM Ben Wasserman

Updated encoder node code with preliminary driver functionality.
Renamed encoder_state.msg to encoders_state.msg.
Added functions to encoders.cpp to send message of current encoder state.
Added function headers to encoders.h.
Added function to encoders.cpp to convert to different units....

3ef02dd3 10/24/2011 11:44 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

85538662 10/24/2011 11:35 PM Alex Zirbel

Updated the sonar module prototype.

The biggest change to the proposed node is a restructuring of the sonar code style. Two services (sonar_toggle and sonar_set_scan) allow another node to turn the sonar on and off. The sonar constantly scans, keeps track of its position, and publishes all its readings in the topic sonar_direction.msg....

14241f84 10/24/2011 09:23 PM Lalitha Ganesan

Added Encoders and USB/Serial ROS nodes. Some of the functions in the
src/<node>.cpp files are not fully functional yet.

04f50f8a 10/24/2011 05:19 PM Priya

Added buttons and cliffsensor ROS nodes. Everything except for src/<node>.cpp file functions have been changed.

c9f87aaf 10/19/2011 09:19 PM Ben Wasserman

Added code inside motors.cpp to set and read individual speeds in different units. Also added appropriate headers to motors.h, and units field to query_motors.srv and set_motors.msg

7cc78724 10/19/2011 08:04 PM Ben Wasserman

Merge ssh://

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