


| Branch: | Revision:

root @ b23c6bbb

# Date Author Comment
b23c6bbb 11/07/2012 12:35 PM Thomas Mullins

Changed get_bom_reading.srv to bom.msg

Also, removed bom.cpp and bom.h since there won't be a bom node running
on the Gumstix.

85dff67b 11/04/2012 05:28 PM Julian Binder

Modified to compile.

a07a0b55 11/04/2012 04:51 PM Julian Binder

wrote code for the stepper motor. Requires that the caller calls init with
the time that the function returned by the init function will be called.
then the user must call this function at the given constant time interval
this allows for sweep to work.
Library also allows for independent control of the stepper.

8999628c 11/03/2012 10:21 PM Thomas Mullins

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

aadf0a75 11/03/2012 10:19 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed interrupt bug in AVR serial code

Serial read disabled interrupts at the start, and returned before
reenabling them. Also, made a few other changes in the rx interrupt for
cleaner code. Also, sped up programming in Makefile.

fd73d758 11/03/2012 10:18 PM Thomas Mullins

Changed range sensor to read on-demand

68b23184 11/02/2012 01:03 PM viki

Scoutsim: Added Sonar Toggle

Sonar display can now be toggled via Menu->Sim->Sonar

cc9ca04e 10/30/2012 03:26 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed pins to work with 128rfa1 instead of 2560

812788aa 10/29/2012 03:32 PM Thomas Mullins

Moved some sensors to different timers

Most notably, change the ROS millisecond counter to share the BOM 38 kHz
timer instead of having its own. The range sensor and BOM rx will now
share timer 5, but they both have to be fixed for the higher F_CPU.

0e77683c 10/28/2012 09:24 PM Alex Zirbel

Added built-in scoutsim teleop!

759ac4fc 10/28/2012 07:48 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

e2770306 10/28/2012 07:48 PM Alex Zirbel

Generate a blank image for lines/walls if one doesn't exist.

43b327cb 10/28/2012 06:01 PM viki

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

6639ce9c 10/28/2012 05:58 PM viki

Edited Sonar to display points on simulator.

Changed rate of sonar scan to 0.5s
Made a new wxDC graphics object for sonar

479d25d8 10/28/2012 04:48 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

3db79f25 10/28/2012 04:47 PM Priya

Fixed Odometry behavior so that it now works and then added a get readings functionality to sonarcontrol.

d140fd71 10/28/2012 04:37 PM Yuyang

Added Sensors class that abstracts away sensors from behaviors. Stops creating
duplicated sensors for each scout.

8a4624e7 10/28/2012 03:49 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

8efaf0cc 10/28/2012 03:46 PM Alex Zirbel

Added race_walls again, whoops.

3e877fe7 10/28/2012 03:43 PM Alex Zirbel

Added a new grid map for testing.

1d819b33 10/28/2012 02:57 PM Alex Zirbel

Updated scout size. Now 1px = 0.5cm.

dfb92d66 10/26/2012 06:40 PM Matt Bryant

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

5755691e 10/26/2012 06:31 PM Matt Bryant

Added initial GUI for testing, renamed cw and ccw behaviors

71e1154d 10/26/2012 06:20 PM Alex Zirbel

Sonar works!

Also added new testing files for sonar - maps/racetest*.bmp

a2e6bd4c 10/25/2012 10:02 PM Alex Zirbel

Added sonar, though it looks buggy.

Use sonar_viz to continue debugging and make sonar work!

f58d377f 10/24/2012 11:44 AM Thomas Mullins

Added irq_set_irq_type to encoder driver

f024710b 10/22/2012 01:15 PM Thomas Mullins

Added actual reads from hardware to encoder.ko

Not yet tested on Gumstix (especially since I don't think we have the
encoders yet).

32b36ecc 10/21/2012 11:03 PM Thomas Mullins

Added sources.list to /etc

2581167d 10/21/2012 06:46 PM Thomas Mullins

Added udev rules file for pwm devices

7e9a19f4 10/21/2012 05:29 PM Thomas Mullins

Added flush to motors node so hardware values actually change

a0644b40 10/21/2012 05:09 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed mistake in rc.local

Changed chown to chmod.

0276f557 10/20/2012 05:30 PM Thomas Mullins

Added /etc/modules, and changed network setup

Removed /etc/network/interfaces, which blocks until a dhcp server gives
the Gumstix an IP address resulting in a boot time of ~2:15 instead of
~0:15. Instead, dhclient is started in rc.local.

ed37d345 10/20/2012 11:29 AM Thomas Mullins

Finished adding gpio control to motors node

I changed the Motor constructor to take pin numbers instead of file
names, and construct the file names itself. All that remains in testing.

8969d535 10/20/2012 11:29 AM Thomas Mullins

Changed "download" to "program" in scout_avr Makefile

83163372 10/18/2012 02:28 PM Thomas Mullins

Added kernel module for quad encoders

The kernel module is not finished yet. Also, added various config files
that go on every Gumstix. It would be nice to have an automated script
for installing them.

560d2317 10/14/2012 04:41 PM Thomas Mullins

Added forward/backward support to motors node

cc9e9213 10/13/2012 11:18 AM Thomas Mullins

Changed motors node to write to pwm device files

7ffad595 10/07/2012 11:12 PM Alex Zirbel

Added walls to the scoutsim visualizer.

788df921 10/07/2012 11:12 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

a8987cda 10/07/2012 10:41 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixes to WirelessReceiver and wl_test

Changed receive callback to use std::function so we can use std::bind to
pass non-static member functions. There is still a weird problem where
WirelessReceiver::dummy gets called many times for each incoming packet
in wl_test.

9d78b3c3 10/07/2012 07:49 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

1d1281cc 10/07/2012 07:10 PM Priya

Broke the build and then fixed it. Now onto testing!

c7edc61c 10/07/2012 07:00 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

993bf085 10/07/2012 07:00 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

82f3f746 10/07/2012 06:59 PM Priya

Added wireless handling to scoutsim. Untested.

2b2cd05f 10/07/2012 06:57 PM Alex Zirbel

Added a main license file.

Soon, we can remove the annoying licensing info at the top of every file.

23b8119f 10/07/2012 06:53 PM Alex Zirbel

Just commented out a line of unused code.

69c2203a 09/07/2012 03:03 PM Thomas Mullins

Added check bits back into BOM. oops...

31f4a032 09/07/2012 03:01 PM Thomas Mullins

Some fixes to BOM, which is now tested and it works

f115416e 09/05/2012 06:58 PM Thomas Mullins

Added initial BOM code

Only the sending code has been tested; receiving will soon be tested as

807483bf 08/28/2012 05:42 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed range sensor code to support 2

Also, tested (with only one sensor) and it seemed to work adequately.

c76aac7a 05/08/2012 10:55 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

5e1adeb1 05/08/2012 10:52 PM Alex Zirbel

Added delay to kickstart file to make sure scoutsim gets set up.

Not like anyone cares.

5354037a 05/08/2012 10:48 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

11aa087a 05/08/2012 10:44 PM Priya

Demo almost working Scouts go home! a

da08d580 05/08/2012 10:42 PM Alex Zirbel

Added launch files for the demo and made a little change to the
argument checker to make them work.

58c19c15 05/07/2012 03:26 PM Priya

better warehouse image (corresponds with lines now) and demo. Now only thing left is to implement home behavior.

afa9104d 05/06/2012 07:33 PM Priya

Ok Scheduler warehouse behaviour working! and linefollowing works better now! Onto better demo.

1905324e 04/26/2012 01:22 AM Priya

Trying to make the warehouse robot drive around

58371433 04/25/2012 11:45 PM Priya

Renaming to line follow and getting rid of old linefollowing files.

351f71d1 04/25/2012 11:04 PM Priya

adding maps for warehouse and fixing strtok issue in wh_robot that massed up curr_task

b14656f5 04/24/2012 06:29 PM Leon Zhang

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

0e9eb730 04/24/2012 06:29 PM Leon Zhang

some testing done on WH_robot exec_task, issue pinpointed to curr_task's dest being stored as 0, not fixed yet

f8655f01 04/24/2012 06:28 PM Priya

made the linefollowing a bit more reliable

ae21730e 04/24/2012 06:21 PM Priya

Sim line can make turns now! yay

53201802 04/24/2012 05:52 PM Leon Zhang

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

d37cfc69 04/24/2012 05:51 PM Leon Zhang

WH_robot goes home in exec_task, follow_path function added; untested

26562d0c 04/24/2012 05:49 PM Priya

Adding wl_test files that were not added before

5d0687a9 04/24/2012 04:22 PM Priya

Small changes to wireless, and starting turning with line following.

1487bc56 04/17/2012 05:12 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

ad5b5826 04/17/2012 05:11 PM Priya

some fixes to whrobot and scheduler

a5c04212 04/14/2012 06:03 PM roboclub

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

2bd58ddb 04/14/2012 06:03 PM roboclub

updated teleop; now works for multiple scoutsim robots

230b1b7f 04/11/2012 09:39 PM Thomas Mullins

Fixed compiler errors in scout_avr

ec9e417d 04/11/2012 09:28 PM Thomas Mullins

Added second range sensor to scout_avr

Not yet tested.

83db6c2c 04/10/2012 06:50 PM Priya

Line following code made bettergit status

5f16a3b8 04/10/2012 06:25 PM roboclub

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

b2876335 04/10/2012 06:25 PM roboclub

fixed scheduler array access, no more segfaulting, but hangs

51c89246 04/10/2012 06:14 PM Thomas Mullins

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

1c3c96ce 04/10/2012 06:11 PM Thomas Mullins

Added and tested range sensor to scout_avr

Max output should be 37500 (max observed value actually ~38600), and it
may be scaled down later. Also, the second sonar will need to be added
later... forgot about that...

Also, added an option to avrdude in the Makefile which makes it upload...

b2703230 04/10/2012 06:10 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

a3539955 04/10/2012 06:09 PM Alex Zirbel

Fully working linefollowing. Instructions:

rosrun scoutsim scoutsim_node race
rosrun libscout libscout scout1 6

4c495190 04/10/2012 05:45 PM roboclub

reduced teleop delay, scout drives forward now

86222358 04/10/2012 05:24 PM roboclub

really really fixing teleop this time

80c7ac0b 04/10/2012 05:16 PM roboclub

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

9bde6dd9 04/10/2012 05:16 PM roboclub

fixed incorrect delay in teleop yay

ebb19fe0 04/10/2012 05:00 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

5866cb38 04/10/2012 04:59 PM Alex Zirbel

Linesensor tested and done!

ade1b7f9 04/10/2012 04:53 PM Alex Zirbel

Basic line sensor readings!

7ac5e9bc 04/09/2012 11:08 PM Priya

ROS scheduler/whrobot behavior needs to be debugged

5bd763bc 04/09/2012 09:43 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

1034f829 04/09/2012 09:41 PM Alex Zirbel

Added LinesensorControl =(

fa8e76a4 04/09/2012 09:40 PM Priya

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

3f72678f 04/09/2012 09:40 PM Priya

Changing scheduler and WH robot to ROS messages

72a875cc 04/09/2012 09:39 PM Alex Zirbel

Added linesensor package.

af0d9743 04/09/2012 08:00 PM Alex Zirbel

Added template linesensors to scoutsim

e7b4f56d 04/09/2012 05:35 PM Alex Zirbel

Added sim_line behavior for line follow testing.

dc742c14 04/09/2012 05:31 PM Alex Zirbel

Fixed bugs and compiler warnings in old code.

dee6320c 04/09/2012 01:58 PM Alex Zirbel

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://


26258aeb 04/09/2012 01:57 PM Alex Zirbel

Added linesensor to the behavior class.