lcd.h File Reference

Contains definitions for dealing with the LCD screen. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


void lcd_init (void)
 Initialize the LCD screen.
void lcd_clear_screen (void)
 Clear the LCD screen.
void lcd_putc (char c)
 Print a char to the LCD screen.
void lcd_puts (char *s)
 Print a string to the LCD screen.
void lcd_puti (int value)
 Print an int to the LCD screen.
void lcd_gotoxy (int x, int y)
 Set the current cursor position.

Detailed Description

Contains definitions for dealing with the LCD screen.

Contains definitions and functions for dealing with the LCD screen.

Colony Project, CMU Robotics Club

Generated on Mon Sep 22 22:30:16 2008 for libdragonfly by  doxygen 1.5.4