Public Constants


#define BASIC   UINT8_C(0)
 basic group code
#define GLOBAL   UINT8_C(0)
 global scope
#define PAN   UINT8_C(1)
 local pan scope
#define BROADCAST   UINT16_C(0xFFFF)
 broadcast address
#define RELIABLE   UINT8_C(0)
 reliable (TCP) mode
#define FAST   UINT8_C(1)
 fast (UDP) mode
 standard priority
#define HIGH_PRIORITY   UINT8_C(1)
 high priority, handle immediately
#define SENDING   UINT8_C(0)
 packet still in sending phase
#define ACK_OK   UINT8_C(1)
 packet was send successfully
#define ACK_FAILURE   UINT8_C(2)
 packet failure - no acknowledgment
#define CCA_FAILURE   UINT8_C(3)
 packet failure - network too busy
#define FUNC   func
 packet handler function pointer type
#define FNPTR   void (*FUNC)(uint8_t* data,uint8_t length,uint8_t source)
 packet handler function pointer type
 maximum number of packet groups, size of handler array
#define INIT_NO   UINT8_C(0)
 init_flag when library has not been initialized
#define INIT_YES   UINT8_C(1)
 init_flag when library has been initialized
#define NUM_RETRIES   UINT8_C(3)
 numer of reliable sending retries
Generated on Thu May 6 13:17:00 2010 for libwireless by  doxygen 1.6.3