/** Optimal Behavior for Mapping Desired Properties - Overlapping maps - Shared origin * robots must know where they are in relation to each other Actual Behavior - make BOM contact with another robot * estimated distance reading would help - try to follow another robot * could parallel path but moved over slightly to give a wider view while also corroborating data * then treat as leader/follower in actions * get groups to link up with each other and then separate to establish meeting point between maps Thoughts on improving overall efficiency ---------------------------------------- Robot: - use a shorter polling interval for rangefinders, then average readings between wireless polling intervals - if the rangefinder value = MAX, then mark it as -1 so the program doesn't draw that point - try bursts of data every second or farther apart containing multiple data points * this reduces stress on wireless timing and allows for overhead created by token ring - one solution to the 'master origin' problem for multiple robots is to start each robot at the same point with the same orientation * this isn't very useful and takes effort, but it works * could also establish an initial offset in robots, but accurate initial placement would still be an issue Server: - if the rangefinder value = MAX or -1, don't use that point or set it to infinity - if robots have linked as leader/follower pair, use one point of origin for both robots - when two or more robots meet, set one robot as the master coordinates, and modify all other robots to use those master coordinates * easiest is to start a new map with one robot at the origin and all others starting based off that robot * backdating the coordinate change would be better * using both approaches is likely most accurate */