


| Revision:

root / branches / wireless / code / projects / libdragonfly / rangefinder.h @ 1788

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# Date Author Comment
1493 11/07/2009 04:21 PM David Schultz

wireless library branch

1462 10/23/2009 11:20 PM David Schultz

moved dragonfly definitions to separate header file

1461 10/22/2009 11:01 PM Brad Neuman

updated all the library code to have sensible _init behavior.
Almost all of the library components have a global variable which gets set after init and the functions inside will fail with an error code if init has not been called. Also, the init functions themselves check this variable and will bail out without doing any damage if that init has already been called

1372 09/03/2009 01:12 AM Abraham Levkoy

Moved prototype for linearize_distance and constants MIN_IR_ADC8 and
MAX_IR_ADC8 from rangefinder.c to rangefinder.h. Added Doxy comments for these
items. Realize that linearize_distance was probably intended to be hidden from
the average user, but doxy errors compelled me to act.

241 11/08/2007 11:16 PM Brian Coltin

Updated libdragonfly documentation.

8 09/07/2007 12:35 PM Brian Coltin

Added libdragonfly project folder.